This is us just about to leave. A Japanese tourist took our picture for us and lots of pictures of us for himself, maybe were famous e in Japan.
This is a road that google found that looked about a thousand years old. It was hard on the butt.
Second day was 80 km as planed. Stupid plan! We ran out of water and had to beg for some in another ghost town. We were still thirsty from the day before when we were riding in 37 degree temperatures under the blazing sun. The roads are not as flat as the appear from outer space via google maps. We saw a few cyclists on the road and campground and met a very friendly guy next to our site who was cycling solo.
For the most part it was cloudy and cooler and it help following the paper map. We only rode for 7 hours. We are having us a time!
Third day rained cats and dogs all day. Never rode in that much rain before. In the end we and everything we had was wet. We were still smiling though. We only made it to Cambrai and decided to spend an extra day drying out. We also looked around Cambrai and found it to be a charming town. It looks like the stampede is coming to town but they are setting up midway rides on the side walks and narrow streets. There is no parking anywhere in France but some how they pull it off. We made friends with the fruit vendor and he gave Yoly free fruits both times we went. We bought a new stove and gave away the one we bought in Australia because it is too hard to find gas for it.
My other dream of barging down the canals in France being realized by a couple on a Finnsailer 36.
we are sure to enjoy a bottle of wine whenever we can and not to mention baguette sandwiches and fruit almost everyday. camping in Cambrai.
The church of Notre Dame in downtown Cambrai.
History in the making. The white button up biking shirt with flip up neck sun protector is introduced to Europe.