We left Heerlen in the afternoon after we visiting The Thermal museum where the Romans had built a giant bath house. We have no pictures of this but we assure you it was an impressive site. The Romans knew how to build a comfortable bath house that we can call it today a fully equipped spa.
After a very short ride we entered Germany. It started to get hilly and there is more forest land. Aachen is a small city with so much history that goes back before Jesus was born. We visited the cathedral treasury where we learned about Charlemagne. He was the first holy roman emperor who settled here and opened a university a brought many smart people from all over the world to work for him. Charlemagne did great things and he was well known in that time. The first cathedral north of the alps built and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Many pilgrims still come here to see the relics that are shown every 7 years for the past 700 years. Among the treasures we saw was a piece of the sponge that was given to Jesus while he was being crucified. There is also the whip that was used to beat Jesus during the stations of the cross. There are several remains of Charlemagne in separate gold relics that are beautifully adorned with precious stones, silver and gold.
It would be easier if we spoke enough German to read the english menus at the restaurants because we are getting tired of sandwiches and surprises.
Heerlen gate in Aachen.
Someone knitted a bicycle
Aachen dome cake
The real dome
Big dome
Blind people can get an idea what the structure of the dome is by feeling this shape and reading the Braille.
Candidates of the coming election.
Another candidate.
Allan has chosen his favorite.
A church on the rocks.
A leather and linen whip, used on Jesus during his crusifiction.
In the centre of the circle, a piece of the sponge used on Jesus.
Archeologists are still digging today in the streets.
Buskers in the street.
The official Charlemagne symbol.
On our do nothing days, we amuse ourselves.
Yoly is getting new ideas for her next hair cut.
Yoly is getting tired of her helmet, she wants this one instead.
Us at the museum.
Buskers playing statues.
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