Sunday, 4 August 2013

New phone number!

The trouble with getting a phone number in France is that you need a RIB to get a pay as you go package and they had all the features we wanted and it was CHEAP! But to get a RIB we needed a bank account. The bank wanted $16,000.00 to open an account. I didn't have $16,000.00 in my pocket that day so I couldn't open an account. We bought an expensive prepaid phone plan instead. It's about the same price as our old one in Canada. It was really hot and we spent a lot of time trying to get the cheapest one possible and it seemed complicated because it was all in french but in reality it wasn't that hard. Hugh and Tom have the number if you need it. We knocked a few things off the bucket list by visiting the Musse Louis Braille, Maison Natale, the Basilica of saint Denis and the port de plaisance in Paris. 

Mary here we are eating a pastry for you.

Luxemburg Gardens in Paris. Best sit in the house.

Saint Dennis, the truth is that after he was decapitated, he walked away with his head in his hands.

Marie Antoniette and husband king Louis with some photo magic courtesy of my new camera.

Catacombs in St. Dennis.

A sculpture at the Louise Braille museum.

The same type of tool that Louis Braille used to poke out his eye. Be careful with knives.

A cool stair game with Braille dice. A starring contest for blind people. 

Yoly teaching the new guy Braille at the museum. The job just had to be done.

Yoly  and Louis in his student uniform.

Sitting on the well at Louis' house.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to have your new phone number and we appreciate the pictures. Things here are pretty much the same as before. Political scandals, police brutality, just the regular stuff. Hope the sun keeps shining on you, but not too much.
