Sunday, 15 September 2013

Sept 15 Dijon.

We got to Dijon at a good time because all the Museums in town are free and lots of the buildings of cultural importance that are normally closed to visitors are open for inspection. It is the patrimonial weekend and the 500th anniversary of an important military event in the history of Dijon. So we have been touring the town like mad. Dijon is a very nice town and they have lots of mustard, but too bad We don't like mustard. 
We also washed some of our clothes 
in a real washing machine. First time since Haarlem at Maurice and Anna's house. 
We hope to complete some more of the details required for our visa because we have an appointment in Marseille on the 25th. We plan to take the train there and then ride up to Avignon to meet Tom and Dianne on Oct the 3rd. We thought about storing the bikes in Paris for a while but I think we would miss them. We bought our stamps for our visit to the Office France Immigration and Integration (OFII) and our train tickets to Marseille. We also researched some outdoor stores and met a couple of other cyclists out shopping too. They wanted warmer clothes for the cold weather too. 
We found the outdoor stores but they are not as good as in the Netherlands. The Dutch have camping figured out. But we bought lots of stuff anyway. 

Hotel de Dukes, nice door.

Yoly is a big hit with the band.

Now the whole town wants to go for a bike ride and we haven't even been here a week

One of the houses had a plaque that read it was built in 1424. That's a long time ago.

Yoly was reminded of Disneyland?

This is the 1424 house.

Detail of wood work. This part was redone in the early 1930s.

Yoly has a favourite fountain.

I think Yoly likes it here because it reminds her of Antigua Guatemala

Tree head sculpture

That's a big organ.

You can spot fellow cyclists because we wear our bike bags as purses and have distinctive rain coats.

My favourite fountain the angel just finished a bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey.

One of the happy streets in downtown Dijon

Folkloric dance during the patrimonial weekend

Cool wooden dancing shoes

A full size replica piece of the facade of the Arc de Triumph in Paris 

This museum used to be a convent and it reminds us of the ruins of the convent Las Capuchinas in Antigua Guatemala

A gentleman singing beautifully in the courtyard.

A pretty glass chandelier at the museum

Patrimonial weekend: group of locals wearing traditional clothing from this region

The band was about to begin playing

And they cut the ribbon to begin the festivities.

The tile roofs are very colourful in this province of Bourgogne

An old well

Well detailed

A couple wearing traditional clothing.

A tomb in a church

If the weather is nice in Calgary, our Virginia creeper should grow like this in the back of our home.

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