Friday, 29 November 2013

November 30 No More School No More Books No More...

We finished our first 4 weeks of school and I am ready for a vacation from my vacation. Yoly was just starting to get up to speed at learning french but I need some time to sort out all the stuff they tried to teach me.  The school and the people there were awsome. We met some really smart professers and some exceptional students who also happen to be excelent people. In my class there were nine really interesting people and me. Two young women made a huge impression on me because they were so smart, aware of the world they live in and ready to do whatever it takes to shape the world into a better place. Maria and Anna were super! There was cool guy, James, who works in television creating the challenge games for reality TV shows. He was cool too and his world view was unique and joyfull. 
We put our bikes in a rented storage locker and plan to go to Spain with Hugh for a few weeks in about two weeks. I am sure we can fit in a misadventure or two before Hugh gets here to straighten things out. 

Its a statue.

A statue that gives candy to those who are pure of heart.

Christmas lights on the big fountain at the end of the Cours Mirabeau.

It was a light show with fire, fireworks, more fire and lots of lights. They realy blew up a lot of stuff!



Burning marrionettes.

Chestnuts roasting over an open fire, I think I feel a song coming on.

I had to learn it the hardway. We rode our bikes out to our storage box in Pioline after I checked the bus schedule to make sure we could get a ride back. Turns out Samedi and Sunday are not the same day. Dimanche and Sunday are the same day and there ain't no bus on Dimanche. So we had to walk back to Aix after we looked our bikes away in the box. I think I knew that before but I know it better now. Lucky we're in good shape.

One glass of spiced wine and a big bag of churros later all was forgiven.

I even got to buy chestnuts.

Maybe some of the Beaujolais is better than others we will carry out additional testing and let you know.

Maybe at a proper cave du vin.

We took a cooking course.

Our school mate Maria took notes and formulated the recipie for provencal style lamb and veggies.


2400gr d' agneau 
1 oignon rouge grand 
10 pommes de terre moyennes
2 têtes d'ail 
10 branches de  thym et laurier
Huile d'olive 
mettre les os de l' agneau dans la casserole sur les os mettre la viande 

Laver et éplucher les pommes de terre ... Couper les pommes en quatre tranches
Laver et émincer l'oignon et l'ail 

Mettre tous les legumes dans la casserole à cote de la viande

Sale les legumes PAS LA VIANDE 

Ajouter l'huile d'olive dans  la casserole 

Mettre la casserole dans le four 
185 C 
35- 40 min 

We drank wine.

We ate fine Provencal style lamb and vegies.

And dessert too! Torte aux pommes with a kind of spinach. We did a great job! 

It snowed.

Yoly hangs her washing out to dry.

The next morning the pants are frozen solid and not very dry.

Blue blue sky in Park Rambot beside the school at recess. Blue blue sky.

Flowers on the trees in the park.

Yoly going to school.

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